Purmotion™ Seminar with Jorge Bonnet / February 27th, 28th – Sold out

SEMINARS - EVENTS - 13 Ιαν 2016

sold outPurMotion™: New Rules, New Moves, New Tools


In my opinion I found this workshop very interesting. Usually the workshops give us exercises and nothing more. In Purmotion the most important thing is the methodology and the ergonomic of the machine. Ergonomics is the applied science that has as its object the improvement of human performance, health and well-being by contributing to the design of tools, machines, methods and work environment. I think that the basic principle to place the needs and user – human possibilities found in Purmotion.
To the end i would like to add that Mr. Βonnet was a great teacher and managed to transmit the methodology in an excellent way. – Evdoxia Bourada, professor of physical education in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The seminar was of high standards. It was totally what I expected. In addition, what we were taught was very interesting and the presenter very analytical in terms of technique, presenting the material in a very smart and innovative way. Ioanna Tsampazeli, Pilates trainer

Great experience. Unstoppable coach, full of energy and love about what he does! Such a pity it lasted only two days. Looking forward for more!!!!!! – Artemis Morenchini, owner of Art Training Hall Studio

One of the best workshops I’ve ever attended. The methodology, programming and teaching is always the most difficult part of our job, but Jorge knows his craft and managed to pass the knowledge to us. It’s rare to see so few exercises in a training seminar, but with so much science in them. – George Herouveim, trainer

“It was a very nice experience. It was very useful because for the first time in my athletic career I saw some important biomechanics details about athletic motions that can be execute without danger due to purmotion system.”  – Panagiotis Parigoris, trainer

“Purmotion takes you to the next level. The moment you stop thinking how or why and start doing is the moment when you know you are on the right path…” – -Spyros Rigatos, trainer

We had the chance meeting an extraordinary man who inspired all of us in functioning human body in a proper way. Methodology came to us in many principals so that we’ll be better trainers and help many people. Had the chance to meet Jorge personally, which I remember always. thanks coach. – Babis Kipouros, personal trainer

I believe the seminar was remarkable for many reasons. Purmotion follows strictly a particular and complete methodology and respects the natural movements of human body. Personally i was impressed by the range of social groups this kind of training is addressed to. Sotiris Bitos, fitness instructor

It is remarkable that the equipment fits on you (and not vice versa as usual). So it’s easy for a beginner with no experience in fitness to perform safely combinations of movements and exercises that are used in professional sports. – Konstantinos Floudas, personal trainer


Attendees learn:

What is PurMotion™ and Why we are different from other training modalities

What are the PurMotion™ Principles and how we use it to redefine movements and tools

What functional training from the PurMotion™ perspective

Why Barbell Training might not be the best alternative for NON-WEIGHTLIFTERS

Why we don’t do conventional stretching, warm ups, corrective exercises or “mobility work”

How to efficiently be fit for Predictable or Unpredictable events

How to design pragmatic workouts by selecting PURPOSE-BASED movements and ergonomic durable tools

…and how to have a voice in the fitness industry and make fitness a sustainable career!


Jorge Bonnet is the founder and owner of Purmotion™ and one of the most famous educators in the world about functional training

Find Jorge Bonnet bio at http://purmotion.net/jorge-bonnet.html

Useful links:   http://www.studioone.gr/   https://www.real-motion.eu/    http://purmotion.gr/    http://purmotion.net/

Location: fitness star ultra club. 226 Thivon Ave., 18 233 Rentis,





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